Business Intelligence & Visualisation Tools


Business Intelligence & Visualisation Tools

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  • Study Hours

    Study Hours

    150 Hours

  • Total Fee

    Total Fee


  • Delivery



  • Modality


    Self Paced

Programme Overview

Over the years, organisations have accumulated a vast amount of data in their enterprise-wide information systems. These data typically represent daily operations and transactions within a business context. Organisations rely on computer-based information systems for capturing, analysing, and distributing the information required to develop, implement, and evaluate strategies in all functional areas. Managing data as a corporate resource requires an understanding of business processes and of the underlying structure of the data needed to support them. Business intelligence (BI) is the process of collecting and turning this resource into Business value. 


The course provides an introduction to decision-making and technologies used to support organisational decision-making. (BI), which uses historical data to better understand and thereby improve business performance, as well as create new strategic opportunities for growth. Part of this process is to display the results in graphical images for easier understanding. This course will provide an understanding of data organisation, and examine the BI processes and techniques used in transforming data into knowledge and value. Various functions and applications of business intelligence are described, including but not limited to reporting, online analytical processing, data visualization and business process management.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the capabilities of Business Intelligence 
  2. Analyse the use of technologies to support managerial decision-making 
  3. Differentiate between types of data visualizations and their application and benefits 
  4. Examine the technological architecture that makes up business intelligence systems 
  5. Outline an effective visualisation that would derive value and insight 

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