MBA Specialism in Healthcare Management


MBA Specialism in Healthcare Management

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  • Study Hours

    Study Hours

    450 Hours

  • Total Fees



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    Self Paced

About the programme

The MBA Specialisation in healthcare management will help you gain an in-depth understanding of global, community and public health and how to assess licensing, regulatory, accreditation, and compliance issues in healthcare organisations of all sizes. Through a series of three modules, you will learn about healthcare leadership & administration, healthcare quality analytics, and quality management. You will also learn how to identify opportunities using big data and quality care metrics and analytics that can improve the delivery and quality of healthcare services and patient outcomes.

Whether you are seeking to pursue mid-level or senior positions in healthcare organizations or in organisations that serve the healthcare industry, the Mini-MBA in healthcare management will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to influence decisions around patient care within your healthcare setting.

Programme Modules

Healthcare Leadership & Administration

Programme Overview

During this module, you will learn about healthcare administration and leadership in various global settings and provide knowledge, analysis data, and skills to effectively manage and lead in a diverse environment. You will learn about management skills from personnel to budget, including safety procedures, development procedures and policies, effective communication, and leading healthcare departments. Upon completion, students will be equipped with knowledge and skills to effectively manage, make decisions, and lead in healthcare administration roles. 

Healthcare Quality Analytics

Programme Overview

This module will introduce graduate students to using patient data, databases, and electronic medical records to manage and improve patient care and increase efficiency in private and public healthcare facilities. You'll also study the concept of clinical intelligence and explains the role of analytics in supporting a data-driven healthcare system. The course goes beyond data collection to analysing collected data and turning it into actionable information. 

Quality Management

Programme Overview

This module provides an overview of healthcare quality management. Students will gain an understanding of the impact quality has on healthcare organisations and patient outcomes. Topics include patient safety, risk management, quality improvement practices, and regulatory compliance.

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