MBA Specialism in Management


MBA Specialism in Management

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  • Study Hours

    Study Hours

    450 Hours

  • Total Fees



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  • Modality


    Self Paced

About the programme

The MBA Specialisation in Management will enhance your fundamental management knowledge and ability in the areas of strategic decision-making, project leadership and communication, and organisational change and development. Through a series of three modules, you will learn how to effectively manage high-performing teams and provide strategic leadership to your organisation. You will gain expertise in organisational effectiveness, communication strategy, and data utilisation to mitigate risk and support operational efficiency.

Whether you are seeking general management or leadership position in a new start-up or a well-established organisation, the Mini-MBA in management will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to advance into and succeed in a wide range of organisations, including government agencies, consultancy firms, manufacturing, retail and transport companies. 

Programme Modules

Organisational Change & Development

Programme Overview

You will examine methods to improve organisational effectiveness. You will study organisational change, including the concept of planning change, the basic roles and styles of the change manager, and resistance to organisational change and how to overcome it. All aspects of dealing with the people aspects of organisational change from the perspective of a change leader or consultant are discussed in this course. Topics cover personal change, models and frameworks for change, methods for changing corporate culture and mindsets, approaches to strategy execution, and techniques for implementing new organisational designs and technologies.

Project Leadership & Communication

Programme Overview

This module provides project managers with soft skills including leading teams, communicating strategies and plans, building trust, facilitating teamwork, and supporting diversity. The process of constructing effective communication plans to ensure all team members are operating under the same assumptions will be shared. Common management and leadership strategies will be applied to the project management process. Students will take away knowledge and skills to help make them a more effective, efficient and trusted leader for project success.  

Strategic Decision Making for Managers

Programme Overview

It is important for managers to know how organisations intend to engage with their environment and consequently develop capabilities and competencies to provide competitive advantages and fulfil their organisational objectives. This course focuses on models conceived by observing businesses in developed countries and applies to all sizes of firms including corporations operating globally.

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