New Venture Strategy and Planning


New Venture Strategy and Planning

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  • Study Hours

    Study Hours

    150 Hours

  • Total Fee

    Total Fee


  • Delivery



  • Modality


    Self Paced

Programme Overview

This module will equip intending entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills needed to transform an initial business opportunity into a new business venture. It begins by reviewing those special characteristics of entrepreneurial behaviour that are especially helpful in new venture creation; and by assessing the further assistance available through the adoption of a strategic perspective on future business planning. It then discusses the need for a clearly defined business model that will take full advantage of the business opportunity that has been identified, and the subsequent need for a formal business plan that outlines the new venture’s intended direction and the methods it intends to use to pursue that direction. The course concludes with a brief discussion of those aspects of the entrepreneurial strategy process that require us to think ahead into a largely unknown future. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Evaluate the implications of combining an entrepreneurial philosophy with a strategic approach to business development. 
  2. Analyse the developmental stages of an entrepreneurial business venture.
  3. Develop a business model to exploit a new venture opportunity. 
  4. Prepare a business plan to show how the business model can be operationalised. 
  5. Develop a series of actions by which the business plan can be implemented.

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